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      • All staff who work in school set examples of behaviour and conduct which can be copied by pupils.
      • All staff must, therefore, demonstrate high standards of conducts in order to encourage our pupils to do the same.
      • All staff must also avoid putting themselves at risk of allegations of abusive or unprofessional conduct.
      • This code helps all staff to understand what is and what is not acceptable.
      • Staff has a duty to safeguard pupils from: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.
      • The duty to safeguard pupils includes the duty to report concerns about a pupil to the school’s Head for Child’s Protection.
      • Staff must not demean, degrade or humiliate pupils, their parents or guardians or any person related to the pupils with words or actions.
      • Staff must not abuse pupils with objects like, canes, palms etc., as a measure of correcting pupils’ mistakes or deliberate rebels.
      • Staff must take reasonable care of pupils under their supervision with the aim of ensuring their safety and welfare.
      • Staff must comply with school’s policies and procedures that support the wellbeing and development of pupils including the learning policy.
      • Staff must co-operate and collaborate with colleagues and with external agencies where necessary to support the development of pupils.
      • Staff must not engage in the use of mobile phones in classrooms; it must not be an object of distraction for teachers and pupils. A stiff fine is applicable if found violating this policy; as a measure of discipline.
      • Staff must maintain high standards of honesty and integrity in their work. This includes the handling and claiming of money and the use of school property and facilities.
      • Staff must always dress decently and cooperate to work in order to uphold the integrity of the profession. Shoes with cooperate outfits and not sandals, except Sport Wednesdays and Native Fridays. Flat shoes are recommended for teacher for comfort. Teachers must look sporty on Wednesday.
      • Staff must not engage in assault or fight with parents/guardians or any other employees in the school.
      • Staff must not engage in conduct outside work which could seriously damage the reputation standing of the school or employee’s reputation of other members of the school community.
      • In particular, criminal offences that involve violence or possession or misuse of drugs or sexual misconduct are likely to be regarded as unacceptable.
      • Where a staff has access to confidential information about pupils or their parents or guardians, they must not reveal such information except to those colleagues who have a professional role in relation to the pupils.
      • Every staff is at some point, likely to witness actions which need to be confidential. For example, where a pupil is bullied by another pupil (or by a member of staff), this need to be reported and dealt with in accordance with the appropriate school procedure. It must not be discussed outside the school, including with the pupil’s parents or guardian, nor with colleagues in the school except with a senior member of staff with the appropriate role and authority to deal with the matter.
      • However, the staff has an obligation to share with the Academic Director, any information which gives rise to concern about the safety or welfare of pupils. Staff must NEVER promise to a pupil that he will not act on information that he was told by the pupil.
    • The resumption time for all teaching staff is 7:15am daily, except otherwise stipulated by the management.
    • The closing time for all teaching staff is 4:00pm (Monday through Thursday), while 2:00pm on Fridays.
    • Any absence from work without authorized permission by the school management is not entertained, and all permissions must be in written form. Absents from work attract deduction in remuneration.
    • Teachers must attend morning devotions. Your absence automatically means you are late.
    • All staff must achieve an excellent remark on punctuality. Lateness attracts N200 fine.
    • Staff is seen as a role model, and as such, should always give careful consideration to how they dress and act. To ensure consistency across the school, it is important the message given to pupils about expectations for clothing is reflected in the professional clothing choices of all staff. Whilst it is not possible to list every possible clothing option here, it is hoped that staff will support the code of professional conduct and will dress in a way that reflects the high esteem we are held by children and their families. To maintain a professional appearance and to be consistent with the high expectation placed on children and the families of Learners’ Castle School’s community, the wearing of causal items or items of clothing that could be deemed by other as too revealing should be avoided.

Due to health and safety reasons the wearing of flip flops and baring shoulders are not allowed.

    • Every staff needs to recognize that failure to meet the appropriate standards of behavior and conduct may result in disciplinary actions.
    • Disciplinary action could include: suspension, deduction in remuneration in the case of coming late or absence from work and use of mobile phones to make or receive calls during lesson periods in class.

Following this Code of Conduct will help to safeguard staff and management from being maliciously, falsely or mistakenly suspected or accused of professional misconduct in relation to pupils and the school.


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